Money Statement

Introducing or withdrawing from the country more than 10,000 United States dollars or its equivalent in other currencies is not a crime. Not declaring it is.

Any person who enters or leaves Mexico and carries amounts greater than the equivalent of US$10,000, in:

  1. Effective

  2. National or foreign checks

  3. Payment orders

  4. Any other receivable documents

or a combination of the aforementioned assumptions, you have the obligation to declare it to the customs authorities, through the following formats:

  1. Upon entering the country, the Customs Declaration for passengers from abroad.

  2. When leaving, the Declaration of money, departure of passengers.

If you answer that you bring more than 10,000 dollars in any of these declarations, you must also fill out the Declaration of Entry or Extraction of Amounts in Cash or Documents Receivable.

NOTE: If you do not declare it, you will be credited with a fine of 20% to 40% on the amount that exceeds 10 thousand dollars. If the amount that you did not declare is greater than 30 thousand US dollars, you will be sanctioned with a penalty of 3 months to 6 years in prison and the excess will become the property of the federal tax authorities, unless the legal origin of the resources is proven. If its legitimate origin is not proven, you can also reach a penalty of 5 to 15 years in prison and a fine of 1,000 to 5,000 days, for being considered an operation with resources of illegal origin.


¿What is CONDUSEF?

As a government, we have the obligation to evolve the way in which our institutions operate, adapting to the growing expectations of society and responding efficiently to their demands; CONDUSEF is the rethinking of the citizen-government relationship.

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