> Legal Framework

Legal Framework

Know the set of provisions, laws, regulations, and agreements to which the CONDUSEF adheres in the exercise of the functions entrusted to them.

"In case this information is required for any formal or legal purpose, the version published in the Official Gazette of the Federation must be consulted, since by articles 3 of the Federal Civil Code, 2, 3 and 4 of the Law on the Gazette Official Federation, and Government Gazettes, this is the only official publication that requires the application and observance of a norm".

When reproducing the information contained in the portal, processing it, or quoting it, the user will refer to the electronic location and date on which it was consulted.

Registry of Collective Procedures

CONDUSEF Internal Regulations

Current Standards

Political Constitution of the United Mexican States. (Last reform DOF June 6, 2023)



Organic Statute

Estatuto Orgánico de la Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financiero.(15 de julio de 2019)

General Provisions





National Development Plan

Plan Nacional de Desarrollo. (12 de julio 2019)


Technical Annex

Anexo técnico de las disposiciones de carácter general por las sé que establece la información que debe rendir las Unidades Especializadas de las Instituciones Financieras a la CONDUSEF. (Última actualización el 9 de enero de 2015)

National Development Plan

Plan Nacional de Desarrollo. (12 de julio 2019)


¿What is CONDUSEF?

As a government, we have the obligation to evolve the way in which our institutions operate, adapting to the growing expectations of society and responding efficiently to their demands; CONDUSEF is the rethinking of the citizen-government relationship.

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